About Us

Jackson Farms, Hancock County, Ohio  is operating in its 7th generation.  Starting in the 1830’s, raising grain, livestock, and produce on the same land as today. Cut from the wilderness, we have always worked hard, farmed conservatively, and given all of the credit to God. While many things have changed, we still raise the same livestock that consumers want: All-Natural. 

We get up everyday to work as hard as we can and leave the rest to God.

Evan and Kari Jackson

Evan is the 7th generation on the Jackson Farm. He and his wife, Kari, have three children: Caroline, Leah, and Fritz. Evan is an Operation Iraqi Freedom veteran and worked for 3 years as a full-time Firefighter and EMT before returning full-time to the farm and fulfilling his dream of a beef cattle farmer. Kari is a kindergarten teacher and a full-time mom/farmwife.

Tim and Joyce Jackson

Tim is the 6th generation on the Jackson Farm. Joyce holds a doctorate in education and assists in many ways to help the farm operate. Tim has seen the farm grow from mainly hog production, to mainly grain production, operated a large commercial honeybee operation, and currently beef production.

Keith and Mary Jane Jackson

Keith is the 5th generation on the family farm. He and his wife, Mary Jane, have seen the most changes of any generation on the farm. When Keith was a boy, horses were the main source of power. He has seen the farm develop and adapt to modern technology, while still knowing the art of hard work. Keith and Mary Jane still provide wisdom and support everyday.

Deb Jackson

Another 6th generation farm member, supporting the farm with logistics and office work. Retired from the education system, she is an integral part of the team organizing and keeping things on track.

Sean Kelley

Hired on as a farm-hand, Sean has been helping in all aspects of the operation. Sean has experience with all farm livestock and machinery.